Write For Us

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Are you passionate about creating content?

Cambodia Lifestyle News is reaching out to content creators of all kinds! We’re searching for talented individuals who want to talk about Cambodia, from the streets of Battambang to the rolling hills and forests of Mondulkiri.

Whether you’re into writing news, crafting reviews, telling stories, blogging about your experiences, or promoting businesses, we welcome you to join our diverse community.

Share your unique views, delve into untold narratives, and enrich Cambodia Lifestyle News. Your voice is key to connecting our readers with Cambodia’s vibrant life. Join us in showcasing the beauty and diversity of Cambodian culture through your content.

We are particularly looking for the following:

Cambodian based writers

If you are based in Cambodia and are interested in writing for Cambodia Lifestyle then we would like to hear from you. Whatever the subject we are always open to you pitching us your story.

Cambodian based businesses

If you own a bar, hotel, restaurant, or any other kind of business that fits within our niche that you would like featured then please get in touch. In this instance we can discuss you writing about your company, or us coming to review it on your behalf.

International Guest Writers

Cambodia Lifestyle welcome submissions from quality international magazines, publications and websites that match out ethos. If this describe you then we will welcome you submitting your suggestions for publication.

