Why do Cambodians put ice in beer?

Why do Cambodians put ice in beer? If you’re from a western beer-swigging nation then one of the stranger discoveries when you arrive in Cambodia is the whole ice in your beer thing.

If you’ve yet to have it, it goes a little something like this! When you are at a street food establishment, Khmer BBQ type joint, or even a bog-standard sit-down restaurant, particularly in the countryside you are given warm beer and a glass filled with ice.

This may not only come as a shock, but will also beg the question of why do Cambodians put ice into beer? Khmer Nights went to explore this South-East Asian phenomenon.

Why do Cambodians put ice in beer?

Cambodians are not the only country to do the ice-in-beer combo, it’s also rather popular in Vietnam. The history and reasoning though is ever so simple. Back in the day refrigeration was hard, expensive, and even if it was available, capacity was limited.

In China this problem was solved by simply serving warm, or room temperature beer, something anyone who has spent any time in the PRC will be able to attest to. In South-East Asia it was easier to get ice, which could be stored in coolers rather than travel about with a refrigerator, so the ice in beer phenomenon was born.

Why do Cambodians put ice in beer
Why do Cambodians put ice in beer

Want to read about the best selling beer in the world? Click here.

So, that explains the history of ice-in-beer, but with refrigerators now a thing, why does it still get served?

21st Century Ice in Beer

For street food vendors it is still easier to cart around bags of ice than it is to set up a fridge on the street, but in many Khmer restaurants that do have refrigeration you will still get served a cold beer with a bowl of ice, or at least be given the option to add ice to your Anchor.

Why do Cambodians put ice in beer
Warm street food beer at Orussey Market

To read about Dry-Ice frozen McDonalds click here.

Now whilst we may snobbishly balk at the concept of ice in beer, this is what many people have grown up with and seem to prefer. When you are in a non-AC drinking setting then beers get warm really quickly. Ice in beer keeps it cool and to an extent waters it down a bit to help keep you drinking longer, AKA stay more sober.

Should you put ice in beer?

Much like anything it boils down to taste and preference, but while you wouldn’t exactly want ice-cubes in a fine Cambodian craft-beer, when you are sitting poolside, ice-in-beer is not only refreshing, but if you really want to sex things up, add a little bit of sprite – the beer-on-ice Cambodian shandy – and yes it counts as a cocktail.

And that is why Cambodians put ice in beer.

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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.
