Top 12 Money Saving Tips For Cambodia!

Welcome to the top 10 money savings tips when you are travelling to or living in Cambodia, from the Cambodia Lifestyle guys!

While Cambodia is known for its relatively low cost of living, it’s always helpful to share tips on saving money to make the most of your budget (trust us, a few sky bar cocktails and you want to go wild with the money!) Don’t worry though, whether you’re planning to explore different parts of the country as a tourist, upgrade to a larger hotel, or simply build savings while living and working in the Kingdom, here are our top 12 cash-saving tips for life in Cambodia!

We’ll start with the tourists among you 🙂 

Book Tourist Tours as a Group:

Tourist businesses in Cambodia often prefer group bookings, offering a cheaper price per person. Traveling alone? No worries! Cambodia is a great place to meet fellow travelers. Strike up conversations in hostels, local restaurants, cafes, or bars to form a group and negotiate discounts on tours.

Opt for Recommended Local Food:

Exploring local street food is not only an adventure but also a budget-friendly choice compared to restaurants. While some street-side stalls may challenge your stomach, there are quality, affordable dishes like chicken or pork fried rice and Cambodia’s famous fish amok. These meals, costing around $2, provide a chance to chat with locals and practice Khmer.

Travel Outside Tourist Season:

Plan your travels in Cambodia during the off-peak season to avoid inflated prices. High tourist season, from November to April, sees increased demand for tours and accommodations. Consider visiting in April and May, the less-visited months, or during Khmer New Year in April for a unique experience.

Book Tourist Tours In Person:

Booking tourist tours in person can often lead to better negotiation and potentially lower prices compared to booking in advance. While there’s a risk of availability issues during peak seasons, it’s worth trying, especially if you want to save on your expenses.

Master the Art of Bargaining:

Bargaining is a cultural norm in Cambodia. While you may not get the same prices as locals, trying to negotiate can often lead to better deals. Smile, nod, and build relationships with local sellers to enjoy special treatment and savings.

Ok, but what about those living here?

Invest in a Water Purifier:

For on-the-go hydration, consider a refillable water bottle with a purifier, like LifeStraw products. If you’re in permanent accommodation, a water filter is a wise investment, saving you from constant trips to buy water. Tap water is inexpensive but needs filtering. Alternatively, purifying tablets or boiling water are options, but a water filter proves to be more convenient in the long run.

Check Beer Cans for Giveaways:

Some beer cans in Cambodia have giveaways written on the inside of the ring pull. Keep an eye out for numbers or Khmer writing, as they might mean money off your next beer or other prizes. Bag up empty beer cans separately for local recyclers, known as ‘edjai,’ who can find value in them.

Bars or House Parties?

Alcohol costs vary widely in Cambodia. Some bars offer draft beer for as little as 50 cents, while others charge more for imported beers. Consider having gatherings with friends at home to keep drink costs low. The same applies to coffee – making your own or finding affordable local cafes can save you money.

Stay Self-Aware to Avoid Crime:

While Cambodia generally has low crime rates, taking precautions is crucial. Keep valuables secure, avoid flaunting expensive items, and be cautious of common scams, such as receiving fake notes as change or being charged for damages on rented items.

Explore Working from Home:

Inquire with your employer in Cambodia about the possibility of working from home, especially given the changes in work culture post-COVID-19. Even if not full-time remote work, having a day off every other week can save on transportation and daily commute costs.

Seize Opportunities with Free Perks:

Consider working or volunteering in Cambodia for free accommodation. Some businesses also offer free lunch as part of the working environment. Volunteer opportunities not only provide a chance to give back but also offer a unique way to experience Cambodia.

Choose Affordable Transportation:

Consider using a motorbike or bicycle for local transportation in Cambodia. Cars are expensive due to high import taxes, but motorbikes are more affordable. Electric options are emerging, and bicycles, costing as low as $40, are an excellent, eco-friendly way to get around.

Whether you’re a long-term resident or a visitor, these money-saving tips can help you make the most of your time and budget in Cambodia.

Staying Savvy in Cambodia: A Guide for Smart Tourists

Cambodia, with its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and affordable living costs, has become an increasingly popular destination for tourists seeking a unique and budget-friendly experience. To make the most of their time and money, savvy travelers can follow some key strategies for navigating the Kingdom of Wonder efficiently.

Accommodation Choices:

One of the primary considerations for budget-conscious tourists is accommodation. While Cambodia offers a range of options, from luxury resorts to budget hostels, savvy travelers often choose mid-range accommodations that strike a balance between comfort and cost. Platforms like Airbnb and offer a variety of choices, allowing tourists to find affordable yet quality places to stay. Additionally, exploring local guesthouses and boutique hotels can provide a more authentic experience while keeping costs reasonable.

Transportation Tips:

Navigating Cambodia’s cities and countryside can be an adventure in itself. Instead of relying solely on taxis, tourists can opt for more cost-effective alternatives like tuk-tuks, motorcycle taxis, or renting bicycles. Ride-hailing apps, such as Grab, have gained popularity in major cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, providing a convenient and often cheaper option for getting around.

Local Cuisine Exploration:

Cambodia’s street food is not only a culinary adventure but also a wallet-friendly option. Savvy tourists explore local markets and street stalls, trying dishes like Khmer noodle soup, num pang (Cambodian sandwich), and fish amok. Engaging with locals and asking for recommendations can lead to hidden gems, providing a more authentic and affordable dining experience compared to pricier restaurants.

Saving on Attractions and Tours:

Tourists eager to explore Cambodia’s historical sites, temples, and natural wonders can save money by purchasing entrance tickets in advance or as part of package deals. Many attractions offer discounted rates for students or require an International Student Identity Card (ISIC). Group tours, as mentioned in other articles, remain a cost-effective way to explore Cambodia’s diverse landscapes, with the added benefit of potential discounts for larger groups.

Cultural Immersion and Free Activities:

Engaging in free or low-cost cultural activities is an excellent way for tourists to immerse themselves in Cambodia’s vibrant heritage. Free walking tours, available in cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, provide insights into local history and culture. Additionally, attending local events, festivals, or even volunteering can enhance the travel experience while minimizing expenses.

Smart Money-Saving Strategies:

Beyond the basics, savvy tourists in Cambodia can employ additional money-saving strategies. For instance, utilizing cashback and rewards programs from credit cards or mobile payment apps can offer additional savings on daily expenses. Understanding local bargaining customs, as mentioned earlier, is crucial when shopping at markets or negotiating for services.

Splurging Wisely:

While Cambodia is known for its affordability, there are instances where tourists may choose to indulge in more luxurious experiences. Saving money on accommodation, transportation, and dining can create a budget cushion for special experiences such as upscale dining at renowned restaurants, spa treatments, or exclusive guided tours to less-explored destinations.

Staying savvy in Cambodia involves a strategic approach to accommodation, transportation, dining, and activities. By combining budget-friendly choices with occasional splurges on unique experiences, tourists can make the most of their time in Cambodia while keeping their wallets intact. Whether exploring ancient temples, vibrant markets, or serene landscapes, savvy travelers can savor the essence of Cambodia without breaking the bank.

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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.