Top 10 Khmer Rouge Tourist Sites in Cambodia: A Deep Dive into History

Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge era is a haunting chapter in its history, marked by brutality, genocide, and profound suffering. Visiting the top Khmer Rouge tourist sites provides a deeper understanding of this dark period and the resilience of the Cambodian people.

Here’s our in-depth guide to the top 10 Khmer Rouge sites you should explore to grasp the full impact of the regime.

To read about Dark Tourism click here.

1. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21 Prison)

Location: Phnom Penh

Overview: Tuol Sleng, or S-21, was transformed from a high school into a torture and interrogation center during the Khmer Rouge era. Today, it serves as the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, offering a comprehensive view of the atrocities committed here.


  • Historical Exhibits: Walk through the cells and classrooms that became sites of unimaginable suffering. The museum’s exhibits include photographs of victims, torture devices, and personal items left behind.
  • Survivor Accounts: Listen to the stories of survivors like Chum Mey, one of the few who managed to escape the horror.
  • Educational Resources: The museum provides detailed accounts of the Khmer Rouge’s methods and the impact on Cambodian society.
visit S-21 Phnom Penh

Why Visit: Tuol Sleng is crucial for understanding the scale and nature of the Khmer Rouge’s repression. It offers a stark, sobering look at the regime’s brutality and the human stories behind the statistics.

Further Reading: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

2. Killing Fields of Choeung Ek

Location: Phnom Penh (Approximately 15 km from the city center)

Overview: Choeung Ek is one of the most infamous Killing Fields where mass executions were carried out. This memorial site stands as a testament to the scale of the genocide.


  • Memorial Stupa: The central feature is a towering stupa filled with more than 8,000 skulls, providing a powerful visual representation of the scale of loss.
  • Mass Graves: Walk among the mass graves where thousands of victims were buried. Audio guides provide historical context and personal stories.
  • Visitor Center: Offers additional information about the events that took place at Choeung Ek and the ongoing impact on Cambodian society.

Why Visit: Choeung Ek offers a profound and moving insight into the scale of the Khmer Rouge’s atrocities. The site’s memorial aspects make it a place for reflection and respect.

Further Reading: Killing Fields of Choeung Ek

To read about Ta Mok click here.

3. The Cambodia Landmine Museum

Location: Siem Reap (About 25 km from the city center)

Overview: Though not solely focused on the Khmer Rouge era, the Cambodia Landmine Museum provides critical context about the legacy of landmines and unexploded ordnance left behind from the conflict.


  • Landmine Displays: View a collection of landmines and UXO, with explanations of their impact on Cambodian civilians.
  • Educational Programs: Learn about ongoing demining efforts and the risks posed by unexploded ordnance.
  • Personal Stories: Hear accounts from survivors and deminers, adding a personal dimension to the historical information.

Why Visit: Understanding the landmine issue is essential for grasping the full impact of the Khmer Rouge era and subsequent conflicts. The museum’s efforts in education and demining are crucial for Cambodia’s recovery.

Further Reading: Cambodia Landmine Museum

To read about the Ta Mok guesthouse click here.

4. Phnom Chisor

Location: Takeo Province (Approximately 60 km south of Phnom Penh)

Overview: Phnom Chisor is an ancient temple complex used as a site for executions and hideouts during the Khmer Rouge era. This location offers a different perspective on the period.


  • Ancient Temples: Explore the partially restored temples that were repurposed during the Khmer Rouge era, providing a historical backdrop to the atrocities.
  • Memorial Stupa: A small stupa honors the victims who died in the area.
  • Scenic Views: Enjoy the picturesque views of the surrounding countryside, which contrast sharply with the site’s tragic history.

Why Visit: Phnom Chisor provides insight into the Khmer Rouge’s use of historical sites for their activities, blending ancient history with modern tragedy.

Further Reading: Phnom Chisor Temple

To read our guide to Takeo click here.

5. The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam)

Location: Phnom Penh

Overview: DC-Cam is dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of the Khmer Rouge era. It is an invaluable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the period.


  • Archival Research: View extensive archives, including documents, photographs, and testimonies from the Khmer Rouge era.
  • Educational Resources: Access educational programs and resources that offer detailed accounts of the regime’s impact.
  • Publications: Read reports and books published by DC-Cam that provide in-depth analyses of the Khmer Rouge period.

Why Visit: DC-Cam offers comprehensive resources and insights into the Khmer Rouge era, making it an essential stop for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Cambodia’s history.

Further Reading: Documentation Center of Cambodia

6. The Killing Fields of Phnom Sampeau

Location: Battambang Province (Approximately 30 km southwest of Battambang)

Overview: Phnom Sampeau is another site of mass executions and a poignant reminder of the Khmer Rouge’s brutality.


  • Memorial Stupa: The site features a memorial stupa with skulls and bones of the victims, offering a stark visual representation of the violence.
  • Cave Tunnels: Explore the cave tunnels used for hiding and executions, providing a tangible sense of the terror experienced by the victims.
  • Scenic Location: The site is situated on a hilltop, offering sweeping views of the surrounding landscape.

Why Visit: Phnom Sampeau provides a different geographical and emotional perspective on the Khmer Rouge’s atrocities, enhancing your understanding of the regime’s impact.

Further Reading: Phnom Sampeau

7. The Genocide Memorial of Wat Thmey

Location: Siem Reap

Overview: Wat Thmey is a Buddhist temple that has been converted into a memorial for the victims of the Khmer Rouge. It offers a more serene setting for reflection.


  • Memorial Stupa: The stupa contains the remains of victims exhumed from mass graves, serving as a reminder of the lives lost.
  • Historical Exhibits: The temple features exhibits about the Khmer Rouge era, including photographs and personal stories.
  • Peaceful Setting: The temple’s tranquil environment provides a space for contemplation amidst the historical context.

Why Visit: Wat Thmey offers a peaceful yet powerful reminder of the Khmer Rouge’s impact, blending religious and historical significance.

Further Reading: Wat Thmey

8. The Killing Fields of Banteay Meanchey

Location: Banteay Meanchey Province

Overview: Located in Banteay Meanchey, this Killing Field site offers insight into the Khmer Rouge’s activities in the northwest region of Cambodia.


  • Mass Graves: Explore the mass graves and learn about the victims through detailed explanations provided at the site.
  • Memorials: Small memorials and plaques commemorate those who lost their lives in this area.
  • Local Impact: The site reflects the local impact of the Khmer Rouge’s terror beyond Phnom Penh.

Why Visit: The Banteay Meanchey Killing Fields provide a broader view of the Khmer Rouge’s reach and its impact on different regions of Cambodia.

Further Reading: Banteay Meanchey Killing Fields

9. The Mass Grave of Boeung Chhouk

Location: Kampong Thom Province

Overview: The Mass Grave of Boeung Chhouk is a site of mass executions located in Kampong Thom Province. It offers another perspective on the scale of the Khmer Rouge’s atrocities.


  • Grave Sites: Visit the mass graves and learn about the historical context through local guides and informational plaques.
  • Local Stories: Hear stories from local residents about the events that occurred at this site.
  • Preservation Efforts: The site is maintained to honor the victims and educate visitors about the Khmer Rouge era.

Why Visit: Boeung Chhouk provides additional context and a deeper understanding of the Khmer Rouge’s impact on rural Cambodia.

Further Reading: Boeung Chhouk Mass Grave

10. The Genocide Memorial of Wat Phnom

Location: Phnom Penh

Overview: Wat Phnom, a well-known landmark in Phnom Penh, also serves as a genocide memorial. It provides a central location for remembering the victims of the Khmer Rouge.

Wat Phnom 1902 (Photo: Seangheng)


  • Historical Significance: The temple’s history as a site of remembrance complements its role as a major tourist attraction in Phnom Penh.
  • Memorial Plaques: The site features plaques and informational displays about the Khmer Rouge era.
  • Cultural Context: The temple’s blend of historical and cultural significance offers a unique perspective on Cambodia’s past.

Why Visit: Wat Phnom combines historical remembrance with cultural significance, offering a meaningful addition to your exploration of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge sites.

Further Reading: Wat Phnom


Exploring these top Khmer Rouge tourist sites offers a comprehensive understanding of Cambodia’s recent history and the enduring impact of the Khmer Rouge era. Each site provides a unique perspective on the regime’s atrocities, blending historical education with profound reflections on the resilience of the Cambodian people. As you visit these sites, approach each with respect and reflection, honoring the memory of those who suffered and ensuring that the lessons of the past continue to resonate in the present.

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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.