Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas reopens in Siem Reap

On January 22nd, one of Siem Reap’s best known and most luxurious hotels opened its doors to business once again. And Khmer Nights was there to see if it was all it was cracked up to be. 

And spolier here? Of course it was! The budget end of the stick may be one more familiar to us in our travels but I was completely aware of the top of the snack bracket status of the digs I was about to step into. The reality is that the Shinta Mani and Bensley Collection names command considerable respect in the trade here as the apex of the luxury end of the accomodations spectrum in the Kingdom.  

Case in point? The Shinta Mani Wild recently won a Best Resort in Asia award. Before you hit it up at though keep in mind that rates start from $1,900 per tent per night (based on twin or double occupancy). And yes that is …ahem… “all-inclusive” and you do arrive by a very cool zip-line over a waterfall. But still…$1,900? Not cheap by local standards, but to give it credit, very competitive when compared to global peers in the luxury stay niche.

To read about the Shinta Mani Wild click here

Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas

Previously the company operated three brand banners in Siem Reap; the Shinta Mani Angkor, the Shinta Mani Shack and the Bensley Collection. The hotels were all connected but offered differing price points and experiences while sharing amenities, such as a restaurant, shop and two very impressive swimming pools.

But then Covid happened. And while the hotel bravely fought to stay open, they would choose to close in early 2021.

To read about visiting an empty Angkor Wat click here

The hotel has now consolidated all three banners under one brand, the Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas. Concept and Creative Director for the company, Jason Friedman, stated, “We realised that we had an opportunity to retool the brand to provide a better experience to our guests by bringing all of the properties together under the Shinta Mani flag”.

As things currently stand it is “only” the private pool villas that are open. But if you are lucky enough, or more importantly have the budget to stay there, then there are few places in the city or country as a whole that match the opulence offered by this venue.

What its like to stay at the Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas?

So….what is it actually like to stay here? Is it worth the money?

On arrival you are greeted in the bar/lobby from where you are escorted by your very own personal butler to your private pool villa. Our butler was called G1. We will get to him later. 

You enter via your very own private courtyard. That consists of your own pool and a second floor with an outdoor lounging and eating area. The main bedroom features a huge king bed, TV (if you are so inclined) and a door that allows you the ability to literally jump from your room directly into the pool. There is also a charminly retro analogue phone just in case you need to reach your butler. 

The bathing area is equally as big. It features a walk in closet that puts to shame most of the apartments I have lived in and a bathtub filled with rose petals outside in a jungle environment. For these, only photos can really do the place justice. 

Breakfast is not only included in the price but comes with a menu including”steak and eggs”. There are few paid breakfasts I have found that would even vaguely compare to this “compris” one.

What is it like to have your own butler?

Oddly enough this was not the first time I have had my own butler. Probably the second. Maybe the third? But “blue-moon-ish” is such an event. Ours had named himself G1, officially because it was easier for guests to remember, but in my mind at least perhaps because it sounded like a badass gangster/spy name.

He gave us the option of calling when we needed something or adding him on WhatsApp and messaging as required. We opted for the latter and although we rarely needed anything, he was always ready and willing to help.

One thing that genuinely made G1 and the staff special was that while obviously being paid to be polite and attentive, they genuinely seemed to enjoy their jobs. G1 said to us, “I have worked at Shinta Mani since 2014 under a number of different roles before becoming a butler. We go through numerous regular trainings but it was with our head butler that I went through the Shinta Mani philosophy for customer service”.

A nice cute, corporate answer, but also one delivered with enough sincerity and pride to warm me in my special places. 

How much does it cost to stay at Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas?

As stated it is only the private pool villas that are currently open. They have a rack rate of $990 per night, although with special offers during the current period, that can drop to as low as $400 a night. Not cheap by any stretch, but at $400 a night? A virtual “bargoon” given the luxury you’ll be in the lap of. I have personally stayed in rooms the size of shoe boxes with a similar charm as said shoe box while in Hong Kong for the same price. And they did not come with a butler that’s for damn sure.

The management are looking to expand and open the other parts of the hotel. That will open up rooms at a price point as little as $120 per night. No private pool at that price but all the same amenities as the rest of the resort. 

As for when the hotel will be fully reopened? The management stated they would be watching the progress of tourism in Siem Reap before making any immediate moves.

Is Siem Reap back?

If you read our recent article, then you will know that the answer to the question of whether Siem Reap is seeing a return of tourism is both yes and no. Pub Street is back, tourists are slowly starting to trickle in but Siem Reap in the now is not yet the Siem Reap of old.

Until that happy event comes to pass? The reporting of a hotel reopening in the city, rather than closing, not to mention one of the stature of the Shinta Mani Angkor and Bensley Collection Pool Villas, can only be seen as the positive news it indeed is. 

Siem Reap Cambodia
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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.