Phnom Penh Unveils Ambitious Plan to Pedestrianize Central District

Exciting developments are underway in Phnom Penh as plans to transform 57 hectares of its central area into a pedestrian-friendly haven have been unveiled. Led by Mr. Khuong Sreng, Governor of the Board of Governors of Phnom Penh, this visionary project aims to breathe new life into the heart of the city, promising an immersive experience for locals and tourists alike.

Dubbed the ‘Phnom Penh Pedestrian Street,’ this ambitious initiative will span across Daun Penh district, offering a vibrant tapestry of shops, restaurants, hotels, and bars. The project is slated to kick off in early May 2024, with completion set before the arrival of the Global New Year 2025.

Phnom Penh Pedestrian Street

Mr. Sam Piseth, Director of the Department of Public Works and Transport of Phnom Penh, outlined the intricate layout of the pedestrian zones. Divided into three distinct areas, each spanning a generous expanse, the street promises something for everyone.

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The first zone, located in front of the post office, will host a lively blend of culinary delights and retail therapy. Stretching from Street 94 to Street 106 and bordered by Street 13 and Sisowath Quay, this area is poised to become a bustling hub of gastronomic adventures and shopping escapades.

Moving into the second zone, visitors will find themselves immersed in the vibrant energy of pop culture. Bounded by Street 106 to Street 184 and flanked by Street 13 and Sisowath Quay, this section will pulsate with the eclectic beats of contemporary trends, offering a dynamic playground for exploration and entertainment.

Lastly, the third zone, nestled between Street 184 and Sihanouk Blvd, will beckon visitors to unwind and indulge in leisurely pursuits. With Street 07 and Sisowath Quay as its boundaries, this area will boast lush greenery, inviting relaxation amidst the bustling urban landscape.

A new highlight in town

Mr. Sam Piseth emphasized that meticulous planning will ensure these zones are adorned with verdant gardens and enchanting lighting, creating a captivating ambiance for all who wander through.

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Facilities including toilets, temporary parking lots, and an array of establishments ranging from quaint cafes to chic boutiques will cater to the needs of visitors. The pedestrian street will come alive from 6 pm to 11 pm, inviting both local residents and international guests to revel in its vibrant offerings.

Mr. Khuong Sreng, in his address during the meeting, underscored the urgency of the project’s implementation, urging swift action to realize the vision of transforming this area into a bustling enclave of commerce, culture, and leisure. As Phnom Penh gears up to unveil this transformative venture, it beckons visitors and locals alike to immerse themselves in its vibrant tapestry of experiences, promising an unforgettable journey through the heart of the capital.

Phnom Penh Cambodia
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Tom Starkey
Author: Tom Starkey

Tom Starkey is an International Development graduate from Sussex University with 12-years of experience across 4 continents, Tom's goal is that he wants to showcase his love for Cambodia, where he lives, works and now happily calls home.