The InterNations professional networking and social event held on January 27th at the Hub Street Cocktail Bar set the stage for a lively and laughter-filled evening, marking the one-year anniversary...
In the realm of documentary filmmaking, Atanas Georgiev, a distinguished Macedonian filmmaker, has set his sights on the captivating landscapes of Cambodia. Georgiev, born in 1977 in culturally rich...
In an era where the term “sustainable” permeates various sectors, Cambodia’s tourism industry has fervently embraced the concept of sustainable tourism. Catherine Germier-Hamel, CEO...
The recently concluded Home & Lifestyle Expo at the Koh Pich Exhibition Center in Phnom Penh turned out to be a resounding success, drawing in a diverse crowd with interests...
In a dazzling display of tradition and celebration, Cambodia’s capital city, Phnom Penh, recently played host to the resplendent Water Festival, a three-day extravaganza that lured a staggering...
WeWatch TV, a market-leading entertainment platform is showing all World Cup match action through its live TV services, after purchasing the rights from CBS. Since yesterday, all WeWatch customers have...
With a whole heap of weekend activities from live comedy to 70’s Disco parties happening in the capital, Khmer Nights went to check out what to do come “Hangover Sunday”...
Panasonic Cambodia has become the strategic business partner for the Phnom Penh-based football club ISI Dangkor Senchey FC which competes in the Kingdom’s flagship Cambodian Premier League by...
Jonathon Pearson As the world dares to hope that the COVID-19 pandemic and the devastating effects it wrought are behind us, travel looks to be back on the menu and...
Despite getting information from the CPL being a bit like getting blood from a stone, it has finally been confirmed that the new Cambodian League Cup will take place. The...
It really is not everyday that you get to speak to a President, but today was that day for us. We were lucky enough to interview President-elect Jose Ramos-Horta just...
Cambodia is regularly voted to be one of the best countries in the world to retire to, as well as the top choice in Asia. So what is it that...