In 2023, Cambodia played host to a groundbreaking event, the Top30 Bar Awards, originating from Malaysia. This marked the first time the prestigious awards ceremony ventured beyond Malaysian borders...
Imagine stepping into the illustrious Raffles Hotel Le Royal, a bastion of elegance and history, where Mekong Connoisseur Club and Cohiba Atmosphere join forces to host an unforgettable evening...
Responding to a surge in passenger demand and a mutual interest in fostering tourism, trade, and investment between Cambodia and India, Cambodia Angkor Air, the national flag carrier, has unveiled...
Cambodia is charting a course towards becoming a beacon of youth-driven transformation and innovation, distinguishing itself by hosting the region’s largest Generation Z population. This...
River Festival underway in Siem Reap...
As Cambodia gears up for the Khmer New Year, excitement is palpable across the kingdom. This annual event, deeply rooted in rich traditions and history, is not just a national...
A groundbreaking event, dubbed the “Phnom Penh Creatives Meetup,” has shown promise to usher in a new era for Cambodia’s digital arts scene. The brainchild of Confluences and PIXEL...
Friday night drama as Vishaka withdraws. The 8th March is globally known as International Women’s Day, here in Cambodia or will forever be known from now as the day Vishaka...
According to data compiled by the United Nations (UN) Cambodia is the 4th most single country in Asia should you need any more incentive to visit the Kingdom. Yet before...
Coming to the payment section of a Cambodian store can often be quite a scary thing, with QR codes for numerous banks, as well as an equal amount of digital...
In January, the number of visitors to Angkor Wat doubled compared to the same period last year, with over 115,500 tickets sold for the temple complex, resulting in a revenue...