New Movie Night in Kep

Raingsey Bungalow are planning their first movie night in Kep. Officially titled “Temakis and Cinema” the event will start at 6.30 pm on Thursday October the 28th. Khmer Nights went to find out what on earth a “Temak” was.

Movie Night in Kep! – What’s the score?

Many of us Phnompenhers lamented the demise of The Flicks and of course what it meant for independent cinema, so while traveling all the way to Kep might seem a little extreme, they truly have a great event planned.

Raingsey Bungalow, who describe themselves as a small 3-star resort near the Kep Crab Market will be showing “Don’t think I’ve forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll” – a documentary about the Khmer rock scene during the 60’s. And best of all it will be shown on a projector out in the open-air!

What else is on offer?

According to Raingsey Bungalow’s there will be craft beers from Fuzzy Logic, Kombucha, popcorn (of course), as well as Temaki cooked by two Colombian chefs.

And a temaki? In its most basic form, temaki is a sushi hand roll; a single large, cone-shaped piece of seaweed on the outside, with a variety of ingredients — almost always including a type of fish — spilling out of the wide end.

And if like our good selves you are planning on going to Kep for the event, then one of their plush bungalows can be booked for about $40, via phone Facebook (link at end of article).

Raingsey Bungalow and Movie Night in Kep!

In case you cannot make it this Thursday then do not fret, the event will be the first of many planned by the resort, with manager Marie Gana telling Khmer Nights “We plan to do this every two weeks, with there not only being a new menu each time, but also soon the first draft craft beer in Kep. The overall goal though is to bring the local community together for a fun time”!

And with Kep the cool sleepy seaside town that it is this just adds another reason to visit. To RSVP the event, or to simply stalk Raingsey Bungalow’s, you can check out their Facebook page here or get them via phone and Telegram on 077927030.

Kep, Cambodia
+855 9 678 01791

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.
