Moving to Cambodia: A Guide for International Moves and Relocations

Relocating to Cambodia can be an exhilarating step towards a new adventure. Whether it’s for work, a change of scenery, or to embrace the rich culture and history of this Southeast Asian country, the move requires planning and assistance. Selecting the right international movers or relocation specialists is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the process of moving your belongings to Cambodia.

Understanding Import Duties

For those not affiliated with diplomatic or non-governmental organizations, it’s important to note that personal effects are subject to customs duties. This can sometimes be costly, leading many expatriates to opt for moving with minimal possessions. However, if you’re keen on bringing your personal items with you, there are experienced movers who specialize in navigating Cambodian customs and import regulations.

Recommended International Movers

JVK Naga Movers

A reputable international moving company with roots in Thailand, JVK Naga Movers has expanded its services across Asia, including Cambodia. Known for their cost-effective solutions and expertise in handling Cambodian bureaucratic procedures, they offer a reliable option for transporting your belongings.

  • Location: 27 Street 134, Phnom Penh
  • Telephone: 023 724 746
  • Email:

JVK Naga Movers provides a less expensive alternative to full-service movers without compromising on efficiency and reliability.

Narita Logistics and Services

Specializing in both international and local moves, Narita Logistics and Services collaborates with FIDI Global Alliance to offer a seamless moving experience. With agents in over 140 countries, they ensure a high standard of service for moves to and from Cambodia.

Narita is a great choice for those seeking a comprehensive moving service backed by an international network.

Intra Co.

For those moving on a budget, Intra Co. offers a more hands-on, do-it-yourself service. While not as all-encompassing as full relocation companies, Intra Co.’s affordability makes it a viable option for many expats.

  • Location: 2-3 Street 118, Phnom Penh
  • Telephone: 023 428 596; 023 427 153; 023 217 095
  • Website: Intra Co.

Intra Co. is the go-to mover for individuals comfortable with a more participatory approach to their relocation process.

Preparing for Your Move

When planning your relocation to Cambodia, consider the following steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Research and select a mover: Choose a moving company that fits your needs and budget. Consider their experience with Cambodian customs and their ability to handle your specific moving requirements.
  • Inventory your items: Make a detailed list of the items you’re planning to bring with you. This will help in the customs process and ensure you’re only bringing what’s necessary.
  • Understand customs regulations: Familiarize yourself with Cambodian customs regulations regarding personal effects to avoid unexpected duties or delays.
  • Pack wisely: Consider the climate and lifestyle in Cambodia when packing your belongings. Essentials and durable items should take priority.

Top 10 tips for moving to Cambodia:

1. Visa and Legal Requirements

  • Visa Types: Research the appropriate visa for your situation (e.g., tourist, business, employment, retirement). The most common for long-term stays are the EB (business) visa, which requires renewal and may necessitate a work permit, and the ER (retirement) visa for retirees.
  • Work Permits: If you plan to work, ensure you understand the process for obtaining a work permit. The Cambodian government has been tightening regulations, making it important to comply with local employment laws.
  • Residency: Look into the requirements for longer-term residency if you plan to stay indefinitely. This might involve more detailed paperwork and proof of financial means.

2. Health Care

  • Vaccinations: Make sure you’re up-to-date on recommended vaccinations before moving.
  • Health Insurance: Obtain comprehensive health insurance that covers you in Cambodia. Consider options that include medical evacuation, as some expats prefer to seek major medical treatment in neighboring countries with more advanced healthcare facilities.
  • Local Healthcare: Familiarize yourself with the healthcare system in Cambodia. While Phnom Penh has some reputable clinics and hospitals, healthcare facilities in rural areas can be basic.

3. Housing

  • Research: Look into expat-friendly neighborhoods in cities like Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. Factors to consider include safety, proximity to amenities, and community.
  • Lease Agreements: Understand the terms of lease agreements, which may differ from what you’re accustomed to. It’s common for landlords to request several months of rent upfront.

4. Cost of Living

  • Budgeting: Although Cambodia has a relatively low cost of living, it’s wise to budget carefully, especially if you plan on frequent dining out, traveling, or if you have specific lifestyle needs.
  • Currency: The Cambodian Riel (KHR) and the US Dollar (USD) are both used, but familiarize yourself with the local currency for small transactions.

5. Culture and Etiquette

  • Language: While Khmer is the official language, English is widely spoken in tourist areas and cities. Learning basic Khmer phrases will help you connect with locals.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting temples and always remove your shoes before entering someone’s home.

6. Transportation

  • Local Transport: Familiarize yourself with local transportation options. In cities, tuk-tuks, motorbike taxis, and ride-hailing apps like Grab are popular. For longer distances, buses and domestic flights are available.
  • Driving: If you plan to drive, understand the local laws. Traffic in Cambodia can be chaotic, and driving standards differ significantly from Western countries.

7. Education

If moving with children, research international schools in Cambodia. These schools offer various curriculums, including British, American, and the International Baccalaureate (IB).

8. Climate

Prepare for Cambodia’s tropical climate, characterized by a rainy season (May to October) and a dry season (November to April). The hottest months are March to June.

9. Safety and Security

While Cambodia is generally safe for expats, it’s important to stay informed about local laws and customs, and take standard precautions to safeguard your health and personal security.

10. Networking and Community

  • Expat Communities: Joining expat forums and communities can provide support and valuable insights as you adjust to your new environment.
  • Social and Cultural Integration: Engage in local events and cultural activities to immerse yourself in Cambodian life and build a local support network.

Moving to Cambodia in 2024 offers an exciting opportunity to experience a unique culture, warm hospitality, and a slower pace of life. With the right preparation and an open mind, you can make a smooth transition and enjoy all that Cambodia has to offer.

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Tom Starkey
Author: Tom Starkey

Tom Starkey is an International Development graduate from Sussex University with 12-years of experience across 4 continents, Tom's goal is that he wants to showcase his love for Cambodia, where he lives, works and now happily calls home.