Kumnooh Arts Listings: April 5 edition

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dan Anuar (Memory): Opening of an exhibition featuring works by 14 young Khmer artists curated by Kimsan Sou. Bophana Center, 5:30pm. Runs through April 29.
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Wednesday, April 6

Travel Roll: An evening with traveller, illustrator and storyteller Raphael Seyfried, Ikigai Arts Center  6 pm. 
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Friday, April 8

Angkor and Rome: An open studio with Slovak visual artist and curator Jaro Varga. Informal conversation with Jaro from 3 pm with presentation to follow at 6 pm.  Sa Sa Art Projects More info  

Phnom Penh Players Auditions: Cast and crew auditions for the company’s June comedy production, Grave Affairs, a double feature of “Running on Empty” and “Casket for Two” by Jean-Pierre Martinez. 
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Saturday, April 9

Gallery Opening: French-Guatemalan visual artist and long-time Phnom Penh resident Erick Gonzalez opens his new gallery on St 282 near St 57. L’Atelier d’Erick Gonzalez, Saturday, 3 pm – 8 pm. Sunday 3 pm – 6.30 pm.
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The Past is the Road to the Future:  Last chance this week to catch the exhibition by Chan Phuon which closes on Sunday, April 10. Pi-Pet-Pi Gallery

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Leon Havana
Author: Leon Havana

A trained chef and sports aficionado with extensive experience across South America and Asia. Leon’s culinary creations celebrate local flavors, while his love for sports like football and boxing connects him with local communities.