Hidden Gems of Cambodia – The Koh Trong Guide

This is the Koh Trong Guide, not to be confused with Koh Rong. In fact the island of Koh Trong is so little known that even a Google search will largely point you to Koh Rong. They are though incomparable, with Koh Trong being one of those hidden gems you tend to find by accident.

Where is Koh Trong?

Koh Trong, also spelled Koh Treung, or Keoh Trung (with various combinations) is an island located in the Mekong opposite the sleepy town of Kratie. Kratie itself is far from a huge tourist destination, although people are drawn here for dolphin watching, which itself is worth the journey from Phnom Penh (4-7 hours depending on transport)

Sunset on Koh Trong

Koh Trong is literally opposite Kratie, being reachable by a rickety old boat that leaves as and when it is full enough.

Koh Trong eco-island resort

Prior to the pandemic the Asia Foundation, Oxfam and the local government started the process of turning the whole island, which previously relied almost extensively on farming into an eco-resort island. Homesteads were created, bars and restaurants were opened and things initially looked promising.

To read about the Koh Kong sausage click here

Alas along came the pandemic and things largely ground to halt, many places closed, but the basic infrastructure remained in place and while few people visit now, that in some way adds to the charm. This is truly getting off the beaten track in Cambodia.

What is there to do on Koh Trong?

When the boat drops you off you can either jump on a bike taxi, or walk along the “beach” to what we christened Koh Trong Town. We gave it this name as it is where the tourist office is, you can rent bikes and where most of the functioning shops are.

The tourist office literally has a map of the island, as we have shown that lists everything that you can do on Koh Trong – which consists of exactly 15 things! Although many of these “things” are literally the names of homesteads and the like.

Koh Trong Guide

There are though temples, a floating village, a beach, and the main draw a chance to hike around the island, 7, or 10 km depending on the route that you decide to take. The true beauty of the island is that farming and growing of fruit are the still the main sources of income on the island, with the pomelo being the main cash crop.

To read the difference between a grapefruit and a pomelo click here.


Visiting Koh Trong puts you almost back in time, this is a truly beautiful place, with very little going on except for being a true break from city life, as well as a chance to embrace some of the most stunning countryside beauty than Cambodia has to offer.

Where to sleep on Koh Trong?

As part of the plans to turn the area into an eco-resort many houses were turned into homestay’s – although with little interest in giving them interesting names. Thus Homestay 1 – 5 being your main choices.

Pomelo Homestay bucked this trend by giving themselves a name and at $15 inclusive of dinner and breakfast was well worth a stay. There is also one high-end resort type place on the island, which is the only place with a swimming pool, namely Rojabori Villas. The rooms here and the pool are truly excellent, but at $50 a night it lacked value, particularly with half the menu not being available. Although these are somewhat forgivable things when you factor in the current pandemic.

Best pool in Koh Trong

How long should you stay on Koh Trong

How long is the proverbial piece of string? Koh Trong is not Koh Rong and there really is not all that much to do here. You can visit in a day trip and see everything there is to see, but if you like tranquility then spending at least one night here, lying on the beach and watching a perfect moon justifies the trip in itself. We personally spent two nights here, which was enough to see and do everything, whilst also embracing the relaxation that the Khmer countryside gifts you.

Koh Trong is no party island, but it is a hidden gem. When the world finally does open again it would make the perfect stop-off on the bamboo trail to Laos via Stung Treng

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.