Featured match – EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3

EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3 was the final result on this rainy Sunday, but in reality things could have been much worse for the home team.

In a match worthy of the communist era, we had the young players representing the electricity board of Cambodia literally playing against the armed forces. Electricite Du Cambodge FC have been extremely unlucky in many of the games they have played this season, this was not one of them and they were fortunate in the end only to let in three.

To read what its like to watch football in Cambodia click here.

First Half – EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 1

The first half pretty much epitomized the season Electricite Du Cambodge FC have been having. Despite essentially being a youth team without foreign stars they initially outshone their more illustrious visitors, only to do something stupid. In the 22nd minute near the home end there ended up being a small brawl,  seemingly started by the EDC defense.

EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3
EDC Stadium

Two EDC players and one Tiffy Army player picked up bookings, something which would soon come back to bite EDC square on the ass! Nine minutes later and after intervention by the 4th official the EDC number 4 was to pick up a second yellow card and reduce the hosts to ten men, after which they never stood a chance.

Man of the match Nacha Choeun then snuck the ball into the net during the dying minutes of the first-half to give Tiffy Army a one goal advantage heading into the break.

Second-half – EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3

Having started so well EDC FC stood weak at 10 men and what followed was a literal onslaught from Tiffy Army, with Japanese star midfielder Yuta Kikuchi netting twice in the 51st and 79th minute to ensure victory. Three zero is nothing to balk at, but in reality the visitors could and should have scored more. The only bright spot for EDC, as always was Number 9 Tysa, who one expects will be playing elsewhere next season.

What does it mean?

The season now slits into two, with EDC FC in the religion group and Tiffy Army in the championship group. EDC FC look relatively safe, while Tiffy Army FC look unlikely to win the league. Both clubs are now playing for pride for the most part.

EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3
Tiffy Army Bus

To read about phase 2 of the C-League click here.

And the EDC Stadium

We’ve written about it already, but literally in a power plant! And although closed to “fans” many lucky punters get to watch from their balconies. TIC – This is Cambodia.

EDC FC 0 Tiffy Army FC 3
EDC Stadium
+855 9 678 01791

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Leon Havana
Author: Leon Havana

A trained chef and sports aficionado with extensive experience across South America and Asia. Leon’s culinary creations celebrate local flavors, while his love for sports like football and boxing connects him with local communities.