Cuban Embassy courts tourists from Cambodia

At an event held by the Cuban Embassy H.E Liurka Rodriguez Barrios hosted a number of travel agents extolling the virtues of traveling to Cuba, but how difficult is it and is it worth all the hype?

To read our interview with the Cuban Ambassador click here.

Attendees at the event included the head of the Cambodian Association of Travel Agents (CATA), many outbound travel agents, as well us at Khmer Nights.

What is there to see and do in Cuba?

I personally once spent a month living in Cuba and still didn’t out of things to do, there’s some of the best beaches in the world, colonial architecture, rain forests, crazy trains, vintage cars and of course the drinks.

Cuba makes the best rum in the world, at least in my humble opinion, as well as probably being the cocktail capital of the world. Yes they have the Cuba Libre and the Daiquiri, but they also have some off the wall stuff only found in the country, such as a Cubata, like a Bloody Mary, but using white rum.

And then of course you have the nightlife, Cuban loves to drink, dance and party, with these literally being a few of my favourite things. And while still very much ruled by the communist party, the economic reforms introduced by Raul Castro have seen a number of bars and restaurants pop-up, Havana is no Pyongyang.

To read about the nightlife of Pyongyang click here

How do you get to Cuba from Cambodia?

In all honesty wit great difficulty, with the two best routes previously being via Moscow, or Beijing, neither enviable options right now. This means going through the States, if you can, Canada, or via European hubs like Frankfurt, London, or Madrid?

And the best time to go? Without doubt May Day, which is like a mixture between a Marxist-Leninist Parade and well a Latin carnival.

And should this be the kind of thing that is down your alley then you can check out a tour here

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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.