Cambodian Premier League set to launch its second tier with 12 teams

Cambodia’s first ever fully national second-tier football league, the Cambodian Premier League 2 (CPL 2) will launch with 12 teams spread throughout the country. Among the 12 will be one from Koh Kong as well as three sides from Siem Reap. 

What is the CPL 2?

The formation of CPL 2 was announced initially last month. You can read about that here. It is the brainchild of the CPL’s CEO, Satoshi Saito.

The plan for the second tier, which replaces the more informal Cambodia Second League, called for clubs being required to be granted a professional license, something which nearly resulted in some big teams missing out.

The “Big 5”

The most obvious selections, based on their financial stability, include the five former C-League clubs that competed in the relegation group in 2021. They are Asia Euro United, EDC FC, Prey Veng FC, National Police, and bottom-placed Soltilo Angkor FC. 

Initially Asia Euro United and National Police were to be denied entry due to their sponsorship by gaming companies. This issue has since been resolved. The “Big 5” will be joined by Koh Kong FC, who had the new CPL not been formed, would have been promoted to the C-League at the expense of Soltilo.

And the other six in CPL 2?

The balance of the 12 team league include a mixture of former top-flight clubs, such as ISI Dangkor Sen Chey FC, established second-tier clubs such as BMC and Siem Reap FC, the Cambodian National Under 18 team (Bati Youth), and most interestingly, a new startup club named Next Step FC which is run by former Soltilo coach Charlie Pomroy.

Next Step FC were granted a professional license in 2021, but were not guaranteed a spot in the league until the last minute. Pomroy told Khmer Nights, “I never truly believed until we saw our name come out. We’ve all been waiting for something to go wrong. I’m proud of what we’ve managed to do but make no mistake, we’re not here to just make up the numbers”. 

He further added that the club was actively looking for sponsors. Those interested can check out their website here

When will the CPL 2 season start?

CPL 2 will commence play March 6th, one day after the CPL 1 season gets underway. Khmer Nights intends to cover at least one of the opening matches and we are particularly looking forward to the April 24th match between Soltilo and Next Step.

CPL 2 Clubs 2022

  1. National Police (9th in C-League)
  2. Asia Euro United (10th in C-League)
  3. Electricitie De Cambodge – EDCFC (11th in C-League)
  4. Prey Veng FC (12th in C-League (12th in C-League)
  5. Soltilo Angkor FC (13th in C-League)
  6. Koh Kong FC (Provincial cup winners)
  7. National Academy/Bati Youth (Cambodian Under 18’s national team)
  8. ISI Dangkor Sen Chey FC (Phnom Penh)
  9. Siem Reap FC (Siem Reap)
  10. Tbong Khmum FC (Tbong Khmum province)
  11. Banteay Mean Chey FC (Bean Mean Chey province)
  12. Next Step FC (Siem Reap).
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Leon Havana
Author: Leon Havana

A trained chef and sports aficionado with extensive experience across South America and Asia. Leon’s culinary creations celebrate local flavors, while his love for sports like football and boxing connects him with local communities.