Artist’s of Cambodia – Alli G

For this week’s focus on artists of Cambodia, we are picking the brain of the beloved musician Alli G. Those who have enjoyed the Siem Reap music scene will know him well. Alli G is a staple of entertainment at many well-known Siem Reap spots and a true Cambodian music veteran.

To read about Star Bar Siem Reap click here.

Those of us who have seen him in person know the passionate voice of a passionate soul. A father. A musician, a true face of Cambodia….

The Alli G Story

Alli G
Alli G by Sivam Photopgraphy

Alli grew up in Malaysia, and music has been a part of his life since early childhood. A childhood that was tumultuous. Music became Alli’s way of life, his unique gift to share with the world. From humble beginnings, Alli’s dedication to his art would see him years later being honored by the Malaysian government as “busker of the year” and winning a well-known Malaysian talent show.

Alli brings his authentic flavor to his performances, which is why he is a favorite of many Reaper Musos. The life and soul of a party.

I caught up with Alli G to ask him a few questions – while avoiding the obvious Ali G name coincidence. .

Alli G how does Cambodia inspire you?

Cambodia inspires me with it’s “simplicity”. The culture of this beautiful country has a pure heart. You can see it everyday. You can see it from the way people smile, living in the moment, living their lives. 

What inspires you as an Artist?

The surroundings, the people around me. That inspires me. We can “feel” them, their energy, their emotion. As an artist, I do believe that we must listen to our surroundings.

How has covid affected the music scene?

Alli G
Alli G by Sivam Photopgraphy

It has affected us musicians really badly. We try to keep being “sane” in this chaotic time, and keep surviving, keep our being “alive”.

Can you tell us about one of your favorite gigs?

My favorite gig is always when I am on the street, busking. We try to be brave, play while no one is actually expecting us, and we try to be our selves and make our selves “visible” from the surroundings. And when we grab someone’s attention, that’s when the magic happens. In that moment we have a genuine connection with a stranger, and share a part of knowing in each other. 

Where can people go to enjoy your music?

Alli G
Alli G (photos by sivam photography)

You can check me on fb page: ALLI G PAGE, or instagram: Slide me a dm and I will reply to any info that you need. 

And that is the latest in our Faces of Cambodia section. If you’d like to be featured, or even write for us then get in touch.

+855 9 678 01791

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Reece Ferguson
Author: Reece Ferguson

Reece is a South-East Asia based writer and journalist that originally hails from Northern Ireland. He has previously written for Philippines Lifestyle News, as well as for our previous publication Khmer Nights.
