Angkor Wat Night Festival: Full Apsara Video

Delve into the enchanting performance of the Full Apsara, presented during the Angkor Wat Night Festival. 

Directed by Jérôme Ségur and produced by ZED, this captivating spectacle brings to life the timeless tale of love, beauty, and the transcendence of mortal bounds through dance.

The history of the Royal Ballet began in Angkor, the former capital of the Khmer Empire, founded in the 9th century AD. 

The Apsara dancers lived in heaven with the gods. One thousand years ago, King Khumba, the legendary founder of the kingdom, fell in love with one of them. Charmed, the dancer came down to earth and became Princess Mera. She then taught the secrets of the celestial dance to mortals. 

Through the ages, a profound connection between royalty and the ethereal dance form was forged, culminating in the creation of the Royal Ballet—a testament to the enduring union of art and power.

Watch this video and step into the mystical realm of ancient Cambodia, where the history of the Royal Ballet unfolds amidst the awe-inspiring backdrop of Angkor, once the heart of the majestic Khmer Empire.

In the shadows of the towering temples, the ethereal Apsara dancers grace the stage, embodying a tradition that traces back to the celestial realms themselves. 

Extract from “Living Cultures – The Young Girl and the Monkey” 

Direction: Jérôme Ségur 

Production: ZED

Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia
+855 9 678 01791

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Tom Starkey
Author: Tom Starkey

Tom Starkey is an International Development graduate from Sussex University with 12-years of experience across 4 continents, Tom's goal is that he wants to showcase his love for Cambodia, where he lives, works and now happily calls home.