Japan Guitar Shop claim top spot in Khmer Nights 2021 Live Band of the Year readers’ poll

Japan Guitar Shop prevailed over 14 other nominated bands to grab top honours in the Khmer Nights 2021 Live Band of the Year readers’ poll.

Some 204 readers placed votes for their favourite live bands over the course of the poll being active. Readers had the option of voting for up to five of the nominated bands but many chose not to use that full allocation.  

The top five bands by vote.

1-Japan Guitar Shop-59

2-The Uncomfortably White Brothers-46

3-Little Thieves-45

4-Joe and the Jumping Jacks-27

5-First World Problems-26

We’ll be following up shortly with Japan Guitar Shop for a photo app when they accept their award for securing the top spot.  

The names of three voters will also be drawn later tonight as winners of our participation awards. 

Congratulations to both the top three and all of the other nominated bands. And thanks again from Khmer Nights to all that voted as well as our prize and marketing sponsors. 

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.