Voting extended to Friday, Jan 7 at 5PM for Khmer Nights inaugural live band of the year poll

Voting for our inaugural live band of the year poll has been extended and will now close Friday January 7 at 5PM.

Why the delay? Well, we were so inundated by last minute votes Thursday that we decided to give any procrastinators out there a chance to not miss out supportng their favourite from our list of nominated live bands active here in the Kingdom.

To vote click here

How many people have voted?

So far over 200 votes have been cast. Some people selected just one band but most voters have used all of the five choices available and allocated them across the 15 nominated bands. It’s going to take a bit of a sifting to count all those votes but in for a penny, in for a pound. Hence the extension.

When will we be announcing the winners?

On Friday, Jan 6 at 5 pm the voting page will be taken down and the counting will commence. We plan to post the winners during the evening of Saturday, Jan 8. 

Prizes will also be announced at the same time. A photo opp of the awarding of the trophy to the winning band and other prizes will follow next week (watch this space). 

Cambodia’s live band of the year 2021 – Thanks to our sponsors 

And finally we want to extend a huge thank you to our sponsors who provided prizes or helped with the marketing of the event. 

A big thanks to Harry’s and Electric Kitchen for providing food prizes. We’d also like to thank LengPleng the number one listings site for live music in Cambodia, as well as new travel app Cambodia2U for providing media coverage for us.

A huge thanks to everyone that voted, and hold onto your hats as we get everything ready for the results.

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.