High-risk activities suspended for a further 7 days as Omicron fear spreads

Hopes for the imminent re-opening of nightclubs, KTV’s and massage parlours have been dashed with the news that the Phnom Penh Capital Administration is suspending “high-risk activities” for another 7 days.

To read a retro piece about the alcohol ban click here.

What has actually been announced?

The aforementioned nightclubs, KTV’s, and places of massage had been due to reopen on December 1st, but the new ordinance further extends the ban on them until the 6th December at the very earliest.

Meetings of over 50 people have also been banned, except in the case of weddings and religious ceremonies, which presumably are less “risky”. While not explicitly mentioned it is assumed that live sporting events would also fall under the ban.

So, can I still go to the pub?

As per the announcement managers of businesses that are not prohibited, such as bars that serve food must assign a member of staff to the door to check vaccination cards. Kind of like what was already supposed to be happening…

Why the change of heart?

There has been no official announcement about why the ban has been extended, but it has coincided with the global spread of Omicron, a super-strength variant of Covid-19 rather than a cool sounding Transformer.

While relatively little is known about the strain as of now, we know that it originated in Southern Africa and “might” be resistant to the exisiting Covid-19 vaccine array. The recent surge in cases has led many countries, including Cambodia to ban flights from certain African countries.

Is this news cause for concern?

No…but being prepared with an emergency supply of essentials is just plain smart these days, as is continuing to wear one’s mask, maintain social distancing protocols and wash youe hands frequently.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia
+855 9 678 01791

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.