Cambodia allows fully vaccinated tourists – 14-11-2021

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for! Cambodia allows fully vaccinated tourists without quarantine, at least according to an announcement by Prime-Minister Hun Sen.

To read about the previous reduction in quarantine requirements click here.

Cambodia allows vaccinated tourists – What has been announced?

On November 14th the PM announced that all visitors who have received a full vaccine dose could not only enter the country, but would be able to travel freely thereafter.

Visitors and residents would still need to take a PCR test on arrival, but would be allowed to either wait at home, for residents, or at a hotel for those travelling as tourists. Providing the PCR test comes back negative you are free and easy!

Are there any restrictions?

The only restrictions will be on anti-vaxers who will be required to quarantine for 14 days still and of course the aforementioned test on arrival. Quite what the protocol will be if you test positive has not been announced, but you’d assume it would mean quarantine at your own expense.

It has also not been announced which vaccines will be accepted, with Sputnik being a prime example of one that will need clarification.

Cambodia allows fully vaccinated tourists – When will it happen?

The statement by the PM does not set out specific dates, but theoretically it should supersede both the Sihanoukville sandbox , as well as the planned travel corridor with Thailand.

The news is potentially particularly good for Siem Reap which the government was not planning to open until January. Quite whether the tourist Mecca currently has the infrastructure to cope with a mass influx of visitors though is very much open for debate.

The sandbox program was due to start on November 30th, while the Thai corridor has remained speculative rather than concrete.

Can I go on holiday now?

Not quite yet, but it should mean that you should now soon be able to travel without worrying about quarantining when you get home.

To read about which countries are open to travel click here.

The issue though that many many Cambodian residents may find with regards to tourism is two-fold. Firstly does the country you wish to travel to accept Sinovac and secondly do you have the batch number of your vaccine?

So, while things are not completely over yet, we are by the looks of things pretty fanned close.

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Gareth Johnson
Author: Gareth Johnson

Gareth Johnson is the founder of Young Pioneer Tours and has visited over 180+ countries. His passion is opening obscure destinations to tourism and sharing his experience of street food.