How to leave Cambodia during Covid-19

How to leave Cambodia during Covid-19? While the world is slowly opening up and Cambodia in particular has raced towards getting people vaccinated, travel and thus leaving the Kingdom is still a complicated affair. Here’s our guide on how to leave Cambodia.

Booking a flight to leave Cambodia

To leave Cambodia during Covid-19 you will need a negative PCR test – which we will get to in the next section. As things currently stand your vaccine status does not affect you leaving the Kingdom, although it is certainly a factor in where you go.

To qualify for being able to get the correct (negative) PCR test you will be required to present proof of your flight, so job one is booking said flight. Booking flights during Covid-19 is no walk in the park and the cheapest options usually have multiple layovers in places that might not let you in. Do thorough research on how to get to your final destination. Avoiding too many stops will make life much easier, but of course also increase your price.

It should be noted that because it takes 24 hours t get your test back this only leaves your test validity for 48 hours with regards to your final destination. This can be a biig factor as many countries are currently insisting on a negative PCR within 48 hours if you fly via Singapore for example.

Again whilst it might be more expensive, booking directly with the airline will speed up any refund should your flight get cancelled – something which can and does happen during these times.

Where do you need to get your Covid-19 test before you can fly?

There are numerous government hospitals and private clinics where you can get a Covid-19 test done for as little as $20, such as as the Khmer-Soviet Friendship hospital. Alas to fly you will need to go to the slightly scary sounding National Institute of Public Health within 72 hours of your flight, get tested, hope you don’t get a false positive and then come back the next day for your result.

This is not a fun experience, with the area being full of people that are not only being tested to leave the country, but also those arriving. In essence it is Covid central. There are though signs in English and it is relatively easy to navigate your way through the madness.

How much does the test cost? To get the test done and most importantly that ever so important certificate that says you are Covid free will set you back $130.

How to leave Cambodia – Flying out of Phnom Penh during coronavirus

Once you have your certificate stating you are Covid-19 free then you are ready to leave the country. Phnom Penh Airport has remained open throughout the pandemic for business and diplomatic travelers, as well as cargo, but on an extremely limited capacity.

Previously to enter the airport you do not need to present a ticket, or identification which made it is possible to see off loved ones leaving the Kingdom. This has since changed and only people with valid tickets are allowed into the airport.

On entry into Phnom Penh International Airport you will be greeted by a very surreal affair. If there are any Chinese flights departing then you will see people dressed in boiler suits as if preparing for the zombie apocalypse. If this makes you feel underdressed  then there are options, which we will get to later.

Checking in for your flight at Phnom Penh International Airport

Checking in to your flight is a relatively painless affair, or rather not all that different to how things used to be. The main difference being that you need to present the negative Covid test that you have spent $130 on. Do not forget this, or quite simply you will not be allowed to fly.

It is certainly worth making copies of the certificate, but keep in mind they will need to see the original, as will other airports you transit through. Do not do anything silly like get it wet, which I have seen happen.

What facilities are open at Phnom Penh Airport during coronavirus?

On the left hand side of PNH Airport there used to be a lovely area that sold doughnuts, drinks and other things you’d expect to find at an airport during normal times, but alas these are very much not normal times.

There is but one shop open and it is selling masks, boiler suits and other end-of-the-world type bags and apparel. Sadly it is not even possible to buy a bottle of water prior to departures.

What is open at Phnom Penh Airport departures area

leave Cambodia during Covid-19
leave Cambodia during Covid-19

Sadly not all that much! There are some small shops selling water and drinks, but the previous restaurant and duty free scene is not exactly what it used to be. For those who have status, or priority pass , do not get exited about lounge access. The lounge at Phnom Penh airport is currently closed, not to mention that the alcohol ban very much still includes the airport.

How to leave Cambdoia during Coronavirus
Social distancing is easy when you leave Cambodia

If you are transiting through Incheon, or Singapore, which most flights currently do the lounges there are still very much open, as are the smoking areas.

And that is how you navigate flying out of Phnom Penh during Covid-19, not a walk in the park, but more than doable if you must leave the Kingdom.

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Adam Reeves
Author: Adam Reeves

An avid traveler and telecommunications expert, Adam has explored over 25 countries, immersing himself in their cultures to discover the best they offer. His passion for connecting people extends from his professional life to his adventures abroad.